1. The first in taste

Many people prefer organic foods because they find them more palatable than intensive agriculture products. Organic fruits and organic vegetables follow a natural rhythm of growth and have less water content. This is the reason for their more pronounced taste. According to European market research, for many people quality and taste are more important than low cost.

2. Source of health

In general, bio products contain more vitamin C and important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, as well as antioxidants known for their ability to prevent cancer. Organic milk contains more essential fats like Omega 3, Vitamin E, Vitamin A (beta carotene) and other antioxidants.

3. Dangerous Supplements

Only 32 of the 290 EU-approved food additives are allowed in organic foods. Prohibited supplements include hydrogenated fats, aspartame (artificial sweetener) and monosodium glutamate. These supplements are associated with a number of health problems.

4. Pesticides

The best way to avoid pesticides is to eat organic foods. More than 440 types of pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming and are often present in the final product. More than 40% of the fruits, vegetables and bread tested in Europe in 2005 contained pesticides. Particularly large quantities are found in oranges, bread, grapes and pears.

5. GMOs

Genetically modified crops and ingredients (GMOs) are banned in organic production. Animals raised by conventional methods are often fed GMO crops. These animals later produced pork, veal, cheese and other dairy products in our stores.

6. Antibiotics

70% of the antibiotics used in animal husbandry are given to healthy animals for preventative purposes and to stimulate growth. This mass application can lead to the development of highly deformed, drug-resistant bacteria that can be transmitted to humans. The routine use of antibiotics is not allowed in organic farming.

7. Hidden Price

Purification of drinking water from chemicals and pesticides that penetrate agriculture is expensive. Removing toxins from agriculture itself saves a lot of money for the state and the taxpayer.

8. High standard

Organic food has proven provenance. All organic farms and organic processors are inspected at least once a year. The requirements for organic food are defined by EU law.

9. Animal care

There is no other system that follows such high standards in animal care. Organic standards require animals to be kept under natural conditions and to feed on pure and natural organic food.

10. Biodiversity and the environment

Organic farms have far more flora and fauna than farms where intensive production methods are used. Organic farming has been proven to promote biodiversity, cause less pollution, generate less carbon dioxide – the greenhouse gas that causes global warming and climate change – and reduce toxic waste.

Organic production follows the simple principle that our health is directly related to the food we consume and, accordingly, to the health of the soil.

Organic farmers produce strong, nutritious food from healthy, well-balanced soil. In their work, they follow strict requirements, known as bio standards, that determine what they can and should not do. The ultimate goal is nature conservation.

Organic farmers use crop rotation to keep the soil fertile and protect it from exhaustion. What does this mean? If a farmer uses a pasture area this year, he sows wheat in the same well-tilled place next year.

The use of genetically modified organisms in organic production is prohibited. Fertilizers and dangerous pesticides are also banned. As a last resort, farmers can use seven of the thousands of pesticides that are widely used in conventional agriculture.

The problem of parasites in farm animals is solved as animals often change their pastures. In other words, preventative measures are taken instead of animals routinely receiving unnecessary medication.

Main advantages of organic production

  • With very few exceptions, organic farming prohibits the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, organic farmers take care of soil health by growing diverse crops.

  • Animals are kept without routine use of drugs and antibiotics, and this is in contrast with intensive agriculture.

Organic and eco

“Organic” and “eco” are words incorporated into Bulgarian law. Any food that bears the words “organic” or “eco” by law must meet certain strict standards. The certification body’s logo – such as Balkan Biosert – is a guarantee of organic origin.

More and more people around the world prefer organic foods

  • Taste – Many people buy organic products simply because they are much tastier. Origin – Organic farmers do not use unnecessary chemicals. Nutritional supplements, which are often associated with the onset of asthma and heart disease, are prohibited in organic farming.

  • Environment – Organic agriculture saves nature, and for that reason there is a much larger variety of birds, butterflies and plants on a bio farm. Bio standards prohibit the use of GMO technology.

  • Animal Care – Bio standards require animals to be kept under natural conditions and to feed on clean and natural organic food.