Rye flakes

Rye flakes are used mainly for bakery mixtures for bread production. They contain high number of B-vitamins. They support intestiv activity and their consumption is beneficial to arteries and all circulatory system.



Rye is known to have been cultivated for the first time by people who lived four centuries before Christ in the regions of south and southwest Asia and Anatolia. Like oats, rye was considered a poor quality food for animals and the poor. In later centuries, rye products entered the everyday life of people from Scandinavian and Eastern European countries as a significant and nutritious food.

През нашия век консумацията на ръжените храни постепенно намалява. Като основна причина за това  развитие експертите посочват тревожно нарастващата тенденция за предпочитане на вкусни пред питателни храни. Нараства тенденцията за хранене на животни за добив на месо и мляко с ръж, заради добрите му хранителни качества. Логично е да възникне въпросът: “Възможно ли е животните да се хранят по-здравословно от нас?” Важно е всеки да си отговори сам или най-малкото да се заинтересува от храната си.

Nutritional composition of Rye

Average Content and nutritional value in 100 g:

Product water in% kcal protein / gr fat / gr all char. / gr chole./mg sugars / gr fiber / gr
Rye flakes 10.95 335 14.76 2.5 69.76 0 14.6
  • rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9;
  • They are rich in minerals phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and copper.
  • One of the reasons for the high content of vitamins and minerals in rye nuts is the inseparability of the rye germ from the rye grain.